Violets and a new recording card

Picture of Viola tricolor subsp. tricolor (Wild Pansy)
Viola tricolor subsp. tricolor (Wild Pansy). Photo: Arthur Hoare

There are some new things on the website for the New Year. Arthur recently sent me his summary guide to the violets of Sussex, which is extremely useful and so is now available here for everyone. It can be found via the Documents and slides page (under Resources), which includes a whole section on ‘Keys and identification notes’. This is also where you can find Matthew’s ‘Notes on Some Difficult/Overlooked Sussex Vascular Plant Taxa‘ from the 2016 Autumn Get-together, Geoffrey Kitchener’s Epilobium Hybrid Key, and the key to SE Hieraciums.

In addition, Mike has supplied version 1.7 of the Excel recording form, plus an updated version of the paper recording sheet, so we are all set up for the new season of plant recording. These are both available from the Recording page (under Get Involved)